Week Two – What a WEEK!

Well, I must be honest…Though I feel a shift, a struggle is in play and things have been a bit “rocky“. I am not sure if it is my old blueprint arguing with me, or if it has just been a difficult week. I love reading. That’s easy for me. What is hard is doing it exactly as prescribed. And the “sit”?? Forget about it!!  I have had some family issues this week. My precious six year old Chihuahua has been having seizures. His first one happened on the day to apply for the pay it forward scholarship 😦 …..and he has continued to have them this week. So, between that and some work issues, I must admit I am struggling with following instructions to the letter. I hope that next week will be better. I really do feel an awareness that I have been missing and I am handling most things in my chaotic life with a softer hand.

I promise to be better and I always keep my promises 🙂

Posted on October 9, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Keep on going. I’m also struggling with sitting for 15 min, and don’t have as going on in my life as you. One has to choose whats important and whats life changing.

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  2. Thinking of you- and sending healing vibes your way for your baby!!! I have four-fur children myself and know how emotionally charged that kind of thing can be. Draw peace from the “sits”. Your sharing is helpful to others.

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  3. Hi Paige. Hope your doggie is doing better and/or not serious. These are the times that try a mom’s soul. The sit is very important. The 15+ minutes of quiet alone time are there to be found — or created — somewhere — and you are still here. Yay! :).

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  4. Hi Paige! Fear not, we are all going through life happenings, but I’m beginning to get through mine easier each day, I believe, because of this gift we have been given. I trust you will experience the same. So sorry about the issues with your precious fur baby.

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